Re: More questions detox, herbs
Hmmmmmmm. Tom says:
"I have the People with whom I work, drink 3-5 glasses of Activated Charcoal Powder Slurry, so that it'll ADSORB (electrical, NOT mechanical action) the TOXINS, Chemicals Wastes, Drugs, Pollutants, etc. from the Bloodstream through the walls of the Intestines."
Is there any medical info to back-up this claim -that charcoal leaches toxins ect. from the bloodstream through the intestinal walls? Is there anywhere that this info can be verified by any others? Does anyone know if this has been ever been proven academically?
Can the taking of activated charcoal change intestinal PH?
Is Activated charcoal electrically neutral, positive or negative biochemically?
Is adsorption in the intestines a uni-directional gateway (entrance) or can charcoal cause the leaching of endogenous secretions from outside of the intestinal wall?