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Re: Order ThreeLac in Canada - HERE!!!
jjontheweb Views: 19,073
Published: 22 y
This is a reply to # 421,061

Re: Order ThreeLac in Canada - HERE!!!

I'm highly skeptical of 'companies' that force you to join for an inflated price to pay an even still inflated product 'wholesale' price.
This web page this guys promoting doesn't give off the energy of honesty. He inflates the Canadian exchange rate to make it seem like you're getting a deal. You're not. You can get it way cheaper in CND$ on ebay.
All this puts the spin on threelac being a sham of a product. It's a money maker. It's even listed as a 'defense' agains Candida not as a cure.

But there are other products I'm sure that can help. Try to stay away from ones that seem questionable at best.

I'd like to know if this advertiser actually had Candida and if threelac actually did anything. but again I doubt when money's up for grabs that you'll get the truth.


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