I also have a lot of mucous as well as acne. I had never considered that they may be related, but that is a good point! Thanks! In regard to the mucous, I recently did a two week fast and I passed a lot of mucous. Also, I think that Cayenne pepper sorta "cuts" it. I try to take some every day. I have had A LOT less mucous since I got off the fast and have been concentrating on eating just fresh fruits and veggies, etc....My nose is rarely stuffed any more, or only slighty stuffed. I have been eating as little cooked food and dairy as possible. I don't want to live this way forever, but I am willing to do it for a season till my body can heal itself...and then I MAY introduce dairy, etc to my diet in small doses, as long as it seems to be OK for me to do so. I just did a Liver Flush too, and I KNOW my Acne is on the way to being healed. We must just be persistent and not give up with cleansing our bodies. Eventually, I know that healthy skin will manifest. God bless!