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Sugar and acne
klewtar Views: 1,380
Published: 22 y
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Sugar and acne

Sugar sure can be problematic for Acne prone skins. Besides excess Sugar can also cause bad body odour.
For those who are just starting to get on a Sugar free diet and are finding it difficult, i would suggest first working out (teadmill or long walks) before having a snack. My skin gets all itchy and uncomfy within an hour or so after eating anything that contains sugar although this is not the case if i manage to spend half an hour on the treadmill (the motorised kind on basic level 3 settings), or almost an hour of walking/running then i can manage to tolerate a donut or 2 (glazed or vanilla frosted or the apple n spice kind, yuumy :) and AVOID sugar donuts and any other donuts)
Walking or jogging every 5 days to a week i would highly recommend to those weith Acne cus it does speed up the body's anti inflammatry system and helps eject all the unused fats and dirty proteins inside the body.
By the way avoid any food that even contains the slightest traces of hydrogenated oil (that includes margarine).


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