I haven't tried skin clean but--- I think I've tried just about everything else on the market.
I had used topical erithromycin (sp? it's an antibiotic) up until the time I had gotten pregnant. I then ordered Pro-Active solution. It seems to be the only thing that works for me to keep things under control . My skin is real sensitive too, I have to watch what I use because a lot of things are too harsh for me. Everyone is different though. Five years later and I am still using it and following with clean and clear oil free moisturizer with salicylic acid. Currently I too am going through some of the cleanses so I'm hoping that I won't needing to use it much longer!
I know how you feel as far as not wanting to leave the house. I always felt insecure. I feel so much more confident with a clear face!!
Sorry I couldn't answer your original post - I've never heard of skin clean. If you try it, let us know how it works!