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Re: For people who have passed lots of plaque bowel cleansing....please read
aluna Views: 1,405
Published: 21 y
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Re: For people who have passed lots of plaque bowel cleansing....please read

Your message is confusing. If you already eat a lot of organic veggies, what is it you are changing in your diet when you say you want to eat normally?

When I started cleansing, I didn't really change my diet because I am a notorious cheater. I try to stick to organic fruits and veggies, as long as there isn't a pizza around! I still eat protein, mainly chicken and fish.

I got my bowels moving first using physillum (sp) capsules, then started on the cleansing products from Nature's secret, slowly until I was up to three movements a day. Then I stepped up the program and started the parasite cleanse.

For three months, I have done 4 parasite cleanses, continued on a maintainence Bowel Cleanse that I recently stepped up, and got some MP, and that was a week ago. It was about 4 inches long, and nothing since.

I am getting a lot of stringy worms that are very skinny, ranging from one inch to about 5 inches. I'm seeing them almost daily, plus I see lots of mucus (I originally described this as jelly fish like, but now they look more like snots!). My belly isn't feeling great though. I have lots of gurgling going on, and feel somewhat crampy, and the stools can be very watery and forceful at times, but that is when I see the most worms, so I think I am busting up their neighborhood. I'm also seeing a lot of chaff, almost like a yellowish brown, fine sawdust. I have done three Liver Flushes with success, and I still see stones here and there, so that needs to be done again soon.

I have seen bowel cleansing advice that states it can take up to a year to completely clean out the bowel if it is severly congested. I feel like I am removing thin layers over time and it will be a while before it is over.

I would say to you, don't expect miracles right away, and don't stop cleansing until after you have gotten a lot of stuff out and feel like your bowel is healed. The cleansing itself can cause a healing crisis and you may feel worse for a while, but it is worth it.

I have cystic Acne and it looks so much better now! I am also dabbing hydrogen peroxide on my face and moisturizing with olive oil.



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