Hi Tupper_Amanda,
I'm glad someone else is deriving benifit from this procedure. I felt really good immediately after, but the second and third days following were even better. Everyone thought I was crazy too, but I had some colon polyps removed 8 or 9 months ago and it was a wake up call for me. I have a lot of cancer in my family and don't want it. I can't cheat death, but I can beat cancer.
The Bentonite is a wonderful product. I noticed a difference almost immediately after starting it. My fiber is lots more "veggies" raw and steamed and Kashi cereals (not for everyone, contains wheat). Protein is fish (freshwater and sea), poltry, and fresh lean pork (no nitrates ) usually steamed, baked, or broiled. What herbs do you take? And what is your experience with them? I'm always ready to listen to info that might be of benifit to the collective health.
Good health to you
Thinking (LAC)