Re: "Health crisis" help needed
I am also doing the same cleanse as "Digicleanse" ... we are doing it together. I think the product is quite good, and does not have "fillers", however the advice to avoid ascorbic acid is probably a good one, especially to re-evaluate the intake of fruit and consider avoiding it for now. The shakes are purely liquid
Bentonite and dried psyllium husk which the user mixes with water.
There are a few possible factors involved in such a reaction manifesting, and it could be helpful to know a person's history with such physical symptoms before dispensing too much advice. I think it's always good to consult one's health care practitioner with certain symptoms that may not be mentioned in the literature one is referring to, if a cleanser is following written instructions, as we are. Our cleanse has extsensive literature accompanying it, however, these cold sore or canker sore symptoms are not mentioned. If one does not have a health care practitioner associated with one's cleanse, then find someone trustworthy and knowledgeable to consult, please
I also get canker sores in my mouth, occasionally, and the occasional tiny cold sore at the corners of my lips (never the pussy crusty kind), and I have been avoiding almost all fruit during this cleanse, due to candida issues. I have had no canker sores, so I wonder if that may not one of the causes of them arising for "Digicleanse". Also, I get those sores when I have had too much
Sugar and my immune system is weak.