NEED HELP from an expert: ptree? or?
ok, i've been cleansing off/on for the past yr. had 5 out of 9 successful liver flushes, amazing
parasite cleanse results, an 8 day fast, but had not much success with the bowel cleanse. i've tried everything form the psyllium and
Bentonite to recently the holistic horizons formula. i've also done coffee and other enemas with good results.
but, i used to have normal poops every morning before the cleanses, now i get this thin and mushy bm every time.
i've got out something that represents plaque a couple times, but hardly enough to call it results. so what's up? my diet is good. better then it was before i started.
also, the only way i can get a good poo these days is by taking the psyllium first. that shouldn't be so. do you think there is plaque stuck in there obsturcting the way?
i've also had some unexplained intense pain, to the point of chills and sweats at 3 am couple nites ago. felt like my intestines were gonna burst from the pain. i wasn't taking the cleanse at that point and never had this happen before. i didn't pass anything tho. what's going on?