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Re: Urgently needs help, Please read this message.
poppyseed Views: 1,028
Published: 22 y
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Re: Urgently needs help, Please read this message.

I have heard that bad breath can often times be linked to an over growth of candida (a yeast that is normally in our intestines but can go into over growth from use of Antibiotics and other drugs as well as chlorine, caffeine and other things in our diet and atmosphere. I am not sure if what you describe fits the bill, but I say anything is worth a shot if it is not dangerous and in the end helps out.

What I would suggest is using the psyllium with the Bentonite and caprylic acid (it is a natural product made from coconuts and it inhibits the growth of yeast. I would also think that some of the green drinks out there would be a good thing to invest in, especially one that has parsley which is supposed to be good for the breath. If you have a juicer you might even try juicing some parsley in with your normal juice drink. Actually I think it is the chlorophyl in the parsley that helps, so any green probably would provide some help.

Another thing that comes to mind is scraping your tongue, I have started doing this, I have improvised and use something I already had, but I believe there is a tool specifically made to do this. It is amazing how much gunk I can scrap off my tongue, I feel like my breath is better after I do this.

You might also take a digestive enzyme, this might help your system to digest your food more efficiently. There are specific enzymes that are supposed to aid the pancreas.

As for the pain you are having on your left side, I'm not sure where the pancreas is, but I would ask if you are drinking enough water every day especially when you take psyllium. It is very important to have enough water in your system when you take psyillium as well as for good general peristalysis (bowel movement).

I might add that I am very impressed that at 17 you have the gumption to look beyond the medical establishment for help, good for you!!! I hope that I have offered something that will help you out.

God Bless,


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