Re: circumcision case/ US court
"Choice of circumcision should be left up to the individual; when the child gets
Why don't you let the child decide what he will eat, where he will sleep, and what church or school he will attend. Children aren't emotionally, intellectually, physically equipped to make such decisions. They rely on the wisdom, know-how, and guidance of the parents. As such, circumsion is a cultural phenomena and cultural preference that is best left us to the parents to decide if they want their male child circumsized. That's how it works. The dog wags it's tail, the tail does not wag the dog.
By your logic, children should decide all the things for their life. If that happened this world would be a strange and chaotic place. Children have to listen to their parents to learn the ways of the world, to learn social graces, and how to treat one another with respect. You don't leave important decisions to children bc they don't know what it's about.
Children are great, and they are our future, and it's important to raise them right, but to leave certain decisions to them is foolish.
I am pro-circumcision. I think it's a great practice, and I think more men should get it.