No expert on the circumcison of baby boys being newly married and not lucky enough yet like some of you good Moms who have raised as many as seven uncircumised sons ( Wow ).Yep you Moms with circumcised sons are so good Moms too.Do not want to enter the pro & con debate since there is no bottem to that.God gave baby boys a foreskin with good reason and if later on in his life his foreskin malfunctions just like with his appendex or a skin growth remove it. My point is let a babies development unfold without the painful trauma of circumcision in the first days of his life.Mom,Pop, grandparents, relatives and friends are joyous he has been brought forth into the world and then he is subjected to circumcision pain. For what some long term questionable medical notion he will be healtier down the road.But still yes you Moms who made the decision to have your babies circumcised surely meant well and being loving Moms wanted the best for yor baby boys. So let us chill on knocking Moms on both sides of the issue you are all so wonderful. Love to you all.