Like many, you seem to read far too much into things. You take one personal experience and apply it to all. As a teacher and mother I have come across many children with insecurities - some are circumcised, some are not. You might have a valid point but an argument with a bit of unbiased scientific study might validate your point. Both of my sons are circumcised and neither lack confidence. Almost one billion males have been circumcised - do they really all have insecurities? Are you saying all Jews and Muslims lead lifelong psychological problems because they have no foreskins? It is a ridiculous argument.
Babies are vaccinated (we know it's for their own good - they don't)and that causes them pain. We can make distinctions but they can't. We circumcise them and give them injections with the same good intentions. No mother wants to harm their child but we all do what we think is best.