Re: Dismantling Evolution is Easy
Leo Berg referring to the process of "evolution"
" unpacking of an original complex which contained within itself the whole range of diversity which living things present’.” (Berg, page 359).
“On the other hand, an unbiased examination of the fossil material itself also reveals that absolutely no direct response to environmental influences or appropriate adaptations in the Lamarckian sense must necessarily be inferred.” (Schindewolf [1993]
“At most, the environment plays only a similar role with regard to organisms; it can only provoke and set in motion some potential that is already present.” (Schindewolf page 313, my emphasis)
Natural selection is a real factor in connection with mimicry, but its function is to conserve and render preponderant an already existent likeness, not to build up that likeness through the accumulation of small variations, as is so generally assumed.” (Quoted in Berg, page 314, )
Directed by all-powerful selection, chance becomes a sort of providence which, under the cover of atheism, is not named but which is secretly worshipped. We believe that there is no reason for being forced to choose between “either randomness or the supernatural,” a choice into which the advocates of randomness in biology strive vainly to back their opponents. It is neither randomness nor supernatural power, but laws which govern living things; to determine these laws is the aim and goal of science, which should have the final say. (Grasse, page 107).
“Everything is determined… by forces over which we have no control. It is determined for the insect as it is for the star.” Albert Einstein