Let's get some good discussion going here!!
Hi all;
I read the book, and I thought it was excellent. Boy of Sun responded to a message I posted to the
Diet Forum , (because I couldn't find this forum.)
The biggest frustrations for me so far have been finding that it's actually illegal to sell raw dairy products (except for cheese that has been aged for a specified number of days). At this point, I'm not ready to go out and buy myself a goat - though I have thought of it often, since I love goats and their products.
Also, the supplements he recommends are *Very expensive.* And this diet/lifestyle certainly is time, money, and energy intensive.
I don't live the SAD life, either. So I wonder if this will be a reductive diet for me (I'd still like to drop another 5-10
pounds and keep it off for good.) I'm coming off a master cleanse fast, and thought of going directly to the Maker's diet, but then decided to wait a little, since my fridge is filled with fruits for breaking my fast (not permitted on days 1-14.)
How is everybody dealing with the cost of meat? With the time it takes to cook and prepare all this food? With finding and consuming raw dairy products?
By the way, Thanks to Boy of Sun for the westonprice website. Very informative.