What is the big deal about raw milk anyway? Why is it illegal to sell raw milk? Are there potential dangers? Someone please let me know.
If there are enough people in this world (or even in North America) that want raw milk and willing to be responsible for all proposed health risks (if any that governments claim) then we can get the law changed... it may take sometime, but I think it is worth a shot. Just to let you all know, if you do find a farmer that sells you raw milk, please be sure that the goats are fed pure feed AND RESPPECT the farmers wishes of not telling anyone where you got the milk. Farmers are under alot of pressure. I think they should be given more slack ??? I don't know?
I guess it means starting small... going to the local municipality leader and talking to them and asking for some help to write a letter to higher governments, or even getting the press involved.
This is my first response to this whole raw milk deal, so please excuse the lack of knowledge. I am only on chapter 3 of the book "The Maker's Diet", so I do not know all there is about the goodness of raw milk.
Firstly, I would like to know how raw milk became illegal to start with!?
A funny thing...
3 weeks ago, just by chance, I walked into a store named "Water 4 U" and met Moses! Yes, his name is Moses and he owns a reverse osmosis water store! - Imagine that! A guy named Moses selling water!
A few years ago, Moses was not doing to well and was on all sorts of allopathic "remedies" with no relief of the root cause of his disease. Then he saw an article with a before and after of Jordan Ruban and began his recovery. He drinks raw goats milk know and says it goes down like water and nver makes him feel full or bloated!
I too have digestive problems and want to get back to that feeling of "Wow, I feel f**king great!" And I know that it has to do with my gut. Being decendants of an Italian family, I am victim of fantastic pasta dishes. Just tonight I had this amazing riggatoni with meat sauce.
Anyways, I am rambling on but I had a latte (i know, i know ... not good for me, i am getting better) and cannot sleep.