I was put in a mental hospital 3 weeks ago for cutting, depression, and suicidal thoughts. I was diagnosed with depression, dysthimia and manic Depression (bipolar). I was cutting and my mom found out so her and my sister put me into the mental hospital. I stopped cutting after I got home for about a week and then I started doing it again. I'm really tired of people telling me it's stupid. They just make me feel worse and make me want to do it more. I hate listening to people telling me to stop. Right now I'm going crazy because my mom took everything sharp away from me and I've been having this urge to cut. I almost stole some box cutters from my moms boyfriend yesterday because I wanted to do it so bad, but I didn't and I wish I would have. I really need someone to talk to who know's what I'm going through. So if you wanna talk you can email me at girllygirl88@yahoo.com Thanks! Darci