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For the record, I don't really think that!!! It was a joke.
nobugsplease Views: 1,741
Published: 21 y
This is a reply to # 409,852

For the record, I don't really think that!!! It was a joke.

Thanks for picking up on that Motherof4. I just did it to prove the point that Klyd's argument was weak and could be easily turned against him!

I hope everyone realizes that I was just doing it to prove a point and don't really think that way (yikes).

For those of you who don't know what I am talking about, I cut and pasted this post offending post and just replaced the words husband/wife with parent/child.

Thanks Motherof4 for including the scripture. I am of the opinion that both the Bible and Quran are to be understood as a whole. It is just too easy to pull snippets from here and there and twist them around to be used as weapons, which is what we often see extremists do. Thanks for providing a more balanced view. I am always interested in hearing how other cultures and religions view God. It helps me to refine my individual view and relationship with our Creator.

Have a great day and thanks for getting my sense of humor.


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