It also could be very difficult giving him up. He is wanting you. Yours friends or some of your friends are pushing for a relationship between you both, if I read right. So if you decide, to not begin it. As difficult as it sound contact will have to be none for a long time. The easiest way to handle it, would probably be. After you are divorced for a year, if your still interested. Look me up and if I'm available, and I'm not waiting for anyone. I will see what comes . or something like that. I say wait a year because he will have to sow his wild oats after divorce. So if you don't want to be part of his marks on a belt. Go on with your life, if it is meant to be it will be. God works in mysterious ways to give us what we need or don't need in our lives. Take care. A heart can only hurt so much, and than there is nothing left to hurt.