Re: Not gotten away from God?????
i haven't watched joyce meyer for awhile, but i remember this analogy that she used... she would have 3 doors set up on the stage. one was labeled something that i can't remember, but it would have meant "lesser". the second door was titled "mediocre" and the 3rd was called "excellent"... and we always get to choose which door we go through.
she always used the story of the "shopping cart", where she would be coming out of a supermarket, ready to pack her bags in the car and get home. it was so tempting to just leave the shopping cart right there... pushing it sort of out of the way maybe, but not bothering to put it away in the cart corral because she did not want to walk over there out of the way. and so sometimes she would do that... just leave the cart right there to run around the parking lot, maybe bumping into someone else's car or right in the way where someone might accidentally back into it. her point was that we all have daily choices to make and do we want to be simply "mediocre" or "excellent". it takes a little more effort to walk the cart over to the cart corral which is what we should do... but making "excellent" choices has "excellent" rewards:)
you are making "excellent" choices and Satan is tempting you to settle for "mediocre" or less. stay strong! God loves you and He will reward you for your excellent choices.