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Church founded on Peter, salvation is process, consecration is no decision.
nordskoven Views: 2,351
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Church founded on Peter, salvation is process, consecration is no decision.

Whatever happened to the Apostle's Creed? More importantly, if we disagree, who decides what's right? This power and authority of the Father's, including to teach and discipline, which was given to Jesus Christ our Good Shepherd, was passed by Christ to Peter and the Apostles, infallible in matters of faith and morals. It is God's power and authority wielded by man and is as flawless as the Bible, a fruit of the Church.

God has granted His real power and authority to real men since Adam, which is why the Sin of Adam brought real sin and death into the world. Jesus Christ founded His Church on Peter the Rock and gave him the Keys to the Kingdom. Like Shebna and Eliakim's story in the Old Testament, this makes Peter Christ's earthly Prime Minster to the King of Kings until His Second Coming.

This Church is one, holy, catholic (universal) and apostolic, 2000 years and still going strong. "Thou art Peter and upon this Rock I will build My Church, and the gates of Hell (crack troops stationed at city gates) will not prevail against it. I give you the Keys to the Kingdom. What you bind in Earth is bound in Heaven; what you loose in Earth is loosed in Heaven."

That's real power and authority, passed on like Matthias' replacing Judas, in Apostolic Succession to this day. Simon was named Peter the first moment Christ saw him, so it was not his 'confession' of faith that brought this honor to himself and others. This power and authority is unique to him alone as first among equals, Prime Minster to apostolic ministers.

We are to work out our salvation in fear and trembling. Salvation is a certainty only after we come face to face with the Eternal. Salvation is a process, a living out of the command to love, not 'easy believe-ism' as the Bible Answer Man calls it.

Those who are retarded may not be saved under this scheme which demands full mental faculties. "Baptism now saves us" as a consecration and adoption into God's family. Those who have much will be expected to do much, with belief growing as mental faculties and spiritual depth admit. But brain power cannot save a person, and Baptism is a sure sign of God's pure grace that won't admit of man's actions helping one's salvation.

Free lessons are available at every Catholic Church if you wish to fully explore Christ's 2000 year old Church. There is no obligation to join. God bless.


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