Re: Overcome-or-else movements
These kinds of teachings are the very things my sons and I like to debate when we all get together. To me it is so much fun, not to trash or mock the different church doctrines, but to really work out our own salvation in fear and trembling; also to try to nail what it is we really believe, and see if we're being led into error.
One thing I'm learning these days is to go back and re-read the Bible. It's so hard for me to challenge beliefs that I've held or my fundamentalist Baptist grandmother impressed upon my forehead as a young girl. I'm with ya completely on Armenianism. Oh, man, I thought our current (free will) church was going to split up over that one when a highly respected Sunday School teacher revealed his reformed views. I've been a reformed Calvinist for years and years, but I had never known anyone to pick up Romans 9 and teach it in a free will congregation before. But I can't do the infant baptism thing, so I guess I'm a 4 pointer rather than a 5 pointer. I usually keep quiet about my reformed views because it upset so many people---hope it doesn't upset you guys--- I'd probably be comfortable in a reformed Presbytarian (PCA) church, but not so legalistic as some PCAs are.
Covenentalism is another one. I can see some of it, but I don't know. I can see where a Dispensationalist like you would gag on Covenentalism. There's a New Covenental movement that seems to be pretty popular with the younger crowd now that I want to explore.
Dr. MacArthur, I think you either love him or "hate" him. You're right, he tries to make conversion hard, and, of course, it isn't.
Partial rapture is straight pop Christian culture. Everybody seems to be into it. It reminds me of those spiritual warfare Christian novels that were popular back in the 80's- Frank Perlucci or whatever his name was. You know, the angels were riding on the car hood while they traveled, the demons were around the corner, we could see them but the characters couldn't.... People were basing their theology off of those books and not reading the Bible.
Hadn't heard about the Judgement Seat movement.
Like I said, I just like to do some sword sharpening sometimes. It's good to look at different teachings and say, hey, what do I really believe? And, if I believe it, what do I have as an argument that makes it a true/correct teaching?
Above all, we are commanded to love one another, so that's what I try to do. Not very good at it, sometimes, but I try.
Attempting to love the Lord with my whole heart, soul, mind, and strength,