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Re: Revelation, NO Controversy
trapper/kcmo Views: 2,014
Published: 20 y
This is a reply to # 406,194

Re: Revelation, NO Controversy

the reason such a stern warning was given about the book of johns vision(it is not about the entire scriptures, though i think it was put there to make people think that. revelations should come right after the gospels) is that it is quite obviously enigmatic and the temptation to change it into something that was more understandable or ignore it completely would be great.

the title reads, in the greek, the unveiling of what has been previously hidden about jesus the anointed(christ). jesus is the savior. he died for the remission of our sins. but the rest of the process of salvation is hidden in the book of revelation. it is a dream, a vision, and the symbols used all mean something, just not what people think. all of the action takes place internally and it is about the things that take place inside of the person being saved.

the things that this naysayer is talking about are born of ignorance and leaning to his own understanding. these things will soon all be explained. but for now, believe me when i say he is dead wrong.


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