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Re: walking with god
  Views: 1,117
Published: 20 y
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Re: walking with god

My son in law says much the same thing, and does much the same thing. I love him dearly and have learned more from the wisdom of this 20 year old than just about anybody. He loves the Lord, was raised in the church since the womb, but he has seen so much division and un-Christlike behavior among the brethren that he and my daughter are not attending church right now. He knows the Word backwards and forwards. He loves people. He can accept anybody. Because he just loves people where they are, people open up to him. People feel comfortable asking him about Christ, because he doesn't try to cram religion down their throats and he doesn't go into a judgemental tirade about their sinful lives. He answers their questions and then leaves them alone to let the Lord cook on them a little. If they want to know more, they come back and ask him something else. He just tells them what the Word says, and then lets the Lord do the Lord's work. He's not above doing any kind of work and he's not above talking to any kind of person. He's actually come over to the house barefooted because he gave his shoes to "some old guy" that needed them. My son in law knows he can always pick up another pair of shoes. He's a great listener and sounding board, which is rare in any person.

I think I would do well to do what my son in law does- take the Word literally and try to do (not just read about and admire) the same things Jesus did- and see what happens. Thanks for making me think about this.



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