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Re: Need advise on 40 DAYS OF COMMUNITY
mikeh Views: 1,326
Published: 20 y
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Re: Need advise on 40 DAYS OF COMMUNITY

Just my opinion, but any church that forces you to "buy" materials to worship God and understand his message is not a church of God.

Just as Jesus became angry at the Money Changers in the temple, I would be angry if I attended a church that forced me to "buy" things. Church is about fellowship and worshiping God and Jesus. Not about "selling" materials that members are "encourged" to buy.

The statement you made about the Pastor: "He shames and mocks the 'infidels' who don't want to particiape in the campaign."

That would be reason enough for me to have serious doubts. I'm not expertly versed in the bible, but I can't recall EVER reading any passage where Jesus "shamed" or "mocked" his followers. Jesus showed respect even to those who betrayed him.

Your heart is obviously not comfortable with this church at all. God gave us a Heart and a soul to help us feel what is right or wrong. Otherwise we would just be robots.

Your husband can help people in any number of organizations or churches that are more positive. I would speak with him of your concerns.

Many of the things you said bother me as well, I don't think your concerns are unjustified at all.

God Bless,



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