Re:The WCG fell away from true Sabbath
Christian Greetings,
"For anyone who may be wrestling with properly keeping the Sabbath, here is a church that once forced it's members keep a legalistic Sabbath, but now they have found true rest in Christ alone. The WCG church scholars have compiled lots of info on the Sabbath and it is especially interesting considering their background as a legalistic Sabbath-keeping church:"
I think it a very sad day when we call ourselves Christians then glory over some falling away from the true Sabbath Isaiah 4. We have the nerve to call it legalistic to keep the biblical Sabbath as stated in the 10 commandments and is the fourth commandment Exodus 20:8-11 which was brought into and given in Genesis 2:2,3 for man God sanctified and blessed the Sabbath, see also 1 John 2:3,4. Why follow Christ then?, He was also according to you a legalist! Read Hebrews chapter 4:1-11.
I can not ask anyone to do or keep something that they are not convicted of but you should really first search the scriptures for yourself! Prove all things,1Th 5:21. The only thing that makes keeping the Sabbath legalistic is if you believe it will save you and not the Blood of Christ, Hebrews 11:6. I am convicted brethren and I must speak out when I read something like this that goes against the Word of God.
With concern and Love,