Am tired!!
I was diagnosed with chronic constipation and my doctor put me on laxatives to check if that was going to increase the bowel movements bla bla..deep down i know i cant keep on using these laxatives forever and i want to have a normal life where i wont have to take some medication should i need to go for a call or something.
God knows how much water i take plus i always take whole wheat bread and try to stick to fibre rich foods but this does not seem to help either.
I underwent a barium enema and nothing was intestines are signs of growth or blockage(atleast thats what am told)
I pass urine just fine.make many visits to the toilet (peeing only) but thats just that nothing more, my stomach swells and i feel like am carrying a whole baby within me..its sickening.
I dont eat lots of food but this shouldnt affect me in this way i believe??
I would appreciate any help, you can use my email address, am 22 years old girl and been having this problem for long.