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compromise theories

I don't know of any one name, but here's a few.


No biblically derived religion can be compromised with Darwinian theory, since chance and design are mutually exclusive concepts. Nevertheless, some Christians who think evolution is scientific fact have tried to postulate ways in which the Bible can be molded to evolutionary theory.

Theistic Evolution states that evolution is factual but its processes were started by God. But scriptures such as I Cor. 15:38-39 contradict this theory. For instance, God created the earth before he created the “heavenly bodies”(the stars and planets). To believe in the God of the Bible and evolutionary theory creates some theological contradictions:
• an all-powerful God can create the universe in an instant, rather than having to stretch it out over eons of time
• if “man in his own image” was the goal of creation (see Isaiah 45:18), why would God wait until the very end of geologic time to create man?
• the history of evolution is filled with extinctions, mutations, and other “mistakes”, which indicates poor planning, not omniscience
• a loving God would not create a world of struggle for existence, survival of the fittest, disease and famine. These things are at the heart of evolutionary theory but totally contradict Scripture.

Progressive Creation is similar to Theistic Evolution, but adds the idea that God would intervene in the evolutionary process from time to time. This implies that God’s original creation was defective (“not good”), since it needed correction now and then.

The Day-Age Theory states that the six days of creation were not literal 24-hour days but were “periods of time” corresponding to the evolutionary concept of geologic “ages”. It is almost identical to the Progressive Creation theory, but is more specific as to when God intervened in the evolutionary process (each “day” began when God intervened in the process). But the phrase “evening and morning, the nth day” is describing normal “solar” days. And the order of creation is not the same as the order of the geologic ages: plants before sunlight, birds before land animals, etc.

The Gap Theory states that there was a vast amount of time (the geologic ages) between Gen. 1:1 and 1:2; that is, God created the earth, but “something” happened that left the earth “formless and void”, so God had to re-create the earth. But even the evolutionists reject this theory! There is no room for any such major catastrophe in evolution, which is based on uniformiterianism. It also seems strange that God would tell us about the Flood but completely ignore a catastrophe of far greater magnitude; that he would tell us about the present world but would ignore the “gap” world.

There is no way to reconcile creationism with evolution, either scripturally or scientifically.


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