Re: Root canal turning In Charge
The fifth item down is what I referred to.
Tenderness: Do you have a
root canal with chronic tenderness?
Swelling: Do you have reoccurring swelling in: the gum or around a tooth with a root canal?
Pain: Does it hurt when you bite on a tooth with a root canal? Do you have unexplained facial pain?
Skin lesions: Is the skin on your face outside a tooth with a
root canal dry, keratotic, or have lesions?
Blackness: Has the root area of an old
root canal turned black?
Infections: Do you have chronic sinus infections or repeated upper respiratory infections?
Gum disease: Do you have bone loss around an older root canal?
Poor health: Do you have a chronic illness, chronic pain, or general fatigue?
Organ dysfunction: Do you have malfunction or infection of an organ (kidney, liver, stomach, etc.) on the same acupuncture meridian as a tooth with a root canal?