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Retaliation is one form of power. Love is a Big power also. It takes real strength to find ways to express Love in the face of adversity. Perhaps we need to find some specific examples of how the temptation to retaliate, can be overcome by the power of Love and Yield steps toward mutual respect.
Humans respect power. The belief that Arabs ONLY respect power creates a roadblock to mutual respect. Many Israelis and Weterners have branded militant Arabs as EVIL and incapable of reasoning.
In Southern Lebanon, many Moslems have followed the Islamic teachings of Propserity, and treating fellow merchants in a fair manner. Southern Lebanon has seen a decline in militant actions over recent years.
Progress toward peace can be made if consideration is extended, particularly where there would be a small cost or small inconvenience.
There was peace before Shrine Mount, which was a deliberate act of disrespect by Israelies against Palestinians. But the beating of Palestians by Israeli police had been getting more common in the years before Shrine Mount. Do Police Beatings create peace? What if an effort was made to stop Israeli Police beatings of Arabs? Suspend a few suspected officers without pay for a few weeks?
How else can respect be increased?