You are so misimformed I don't know where to begin.
Lets take it piece by piece
You wrote:
"If the Leaders of the State of Israel adopted the Jewish Law of Divine origin then peace would most likely be accomplished, both sides having equal rights and equal jobs, pay and lives."
There are no laws against the palestinians going to study, holding jobs, etc. Don't forget, they have representitived in the government--equal to their percentage of population. All Israel's citizens have the right to vote. They hold themselves back sometimes. Most of the women are very opressed. There is a curse in Arabic, "may you come back as an Arab women!" Many of them do not allow their girls to study beyond what is legally required by the state. They have the same right as all Israeli citizens. In Israel, everyone gets a monthly payment based on the number of children they have. Most of these families have 12 or more children. They don't have to work to live the life style they have--they get enough money from the state.
Now, the palestinians that live in Palestinian controlled areas--non residence of the state of Israel--have a completely different life. Their leaders (Arafat for example) don't support their citizens. These are the people that are starving, out of work, have poor schools, etc. Why? Because the leaders take all the money. Do you have any idea how many billions Arafat had? WHile his people were dieing of starvation. Not the ones living in Israel. When Israel started to build the wall to seperate the main land from the territories, all the Arabs with Israeli citizenship that would end up on the Palestinian side moved to the Israeli side. If we are so bad to them why did they move? Because life with us is much better. As citizens of the state of Israel, all their need are taken care of.
Arafat kept his people in poverty so that he could appeal to the international community for more money (which would go to his pocket), and other aid. And to make Israel look bad.
you wrote:
"But the State is not acting on Divine Law.
Zionism is racism and evil.
Jewish Law is not, but commended."
If there are laws that are racist in this country it is most likely against the Jews. An arab is allowed to live in Jewish towns--no law against that. But it is not allowed for a Jew to move to an Arab town. Becided the fact that it is not allowed, the Jew would be killed before he could even move in. And, the Arab that sold him the house would also be killed. That is their "law".
you wrote:
"I deeply regret your loss of life and your fear of attacks and you have a right to feel anger towards that entity who is hurting you.Yet I think you made a general statement "Arabs". This is racism. Thats like saying "All Jews, think this way...."
Or all Irish want to kill people in Northern Ireland and think this way...."
Perhaps it is recist to say "Arabs". You are right that it is not all Arabs. But I am afraid that it is most of them. Perhaps most of them would not do anything dirrectly, but they certainly support it. As individual people, they are not all bad. I infact have been helped several times by Arabs. But as "a people", they want all of us dead. They don't want land. The Arabs of the world have so much money and land, they could all be relocated if they wanted to be. They preach over and over again, they they want to kill all the Jews. That is their goal.
you wrote:
"I hope you understand, behind closed doors much worse is happening on the other side. They dont have anything, no clean water, no jobs, they are rounded up like rabid animals sent for the slaughter, worse than the holocaust you must hate. Palestinians were NOT the ones responsible for the Holocaust, but yet they are in one now."
Clean water. My town gets its water from the same pipes the Arab towns get their water from. The people that live by themselves in the middle of a field, have water tanks provided for them. Thank God, everyone in this country has water. About the Arabs in the Palestinian controlled areas, I don't know. It would not surprise me if they were not provided with water all the time. Their leaders don't care about them.
Who rounds them up like animals for slaughter? The army only "rounds up" terrorists. Which I think is not only allowed, but a states obligation to its citizens. A state has an obligation, not just a right, to protect its citizens.
you wrote:
"Nothing in the Quran says to hurt innocent people.
Suicide actions are strictly forbidden in the religion of Islam, but it looks like the ones are ignorant of this fact and this is a problem."
But you see, Jews are not innocent people in the eyes of Islam--so there for, they are to be killed.
Strictly forbidden? The suicide bombers are worshipped for their actions. Their families are payed large sums of money. They themselves get 70 virgin brides when they get to heaven. Tell me, why does the palestinian flag have a picture of an M-16 in the middle of it? Peace loving people?
you wrote:
"If you had the land for over 2000 years and a super army comes and wipes you out you'd fight too (defending your house and children) not to be turned into a refugee in your homeland and life and future destroyed forever."
2000 years ago was when the Jews lived in Israel. When the Jews came back, I believe in the late 1800's, there was hardly any people here--Arab or otherwise. Mark Twain wrote that,"Israel is a barren waste land". It is only after the Jews started to build up the contry that the Arabs started to come, too. England was in powed of the coutry, and decided to make a Jewish state. If you want to complain, go the English--they always take what is not theirs to start with.
Refugees--only in the Palestinian controlled areas. None that are Israeli citizens.
you wrote:
"And look you have an M-16, now if a palestinian citizin was caught with one they would arrest him and torture him and brand him a terrorist, his families house would be marked for certain unavoidable destruction by the Army(bombed), then the rest would be homeless and/or jailed as well."
Only someone that has been throught he army can have a weapon. This country has gotten to the point that we need them for protection, because if the Arab had an M-16, he would commit terrorist acts against us. And , all those things are barely done to actual terrorists, not if someone is caught with a gun.
you wrote:
"The only solution I can see, I wish the rest of the remaining palestinians would migrate (exodus) to a safer land. I dont see it getting better I see it getting worse. Why doesnt Israel spend the money to just relocate them.
I have read they are so poor they are unable to leave."
Finely you say something right! That would solve all the problems. There was a Rabbi, Kahana, that started a political party with that very platform. He said, lets move all the Arabs out. There are many Arab countries, with huge lands. Pay each of them a sum of money and help them to relocate. His party was outlawed as being a racist, terrorist party.
The Arabs don't want to move out. They want to take us over, and kill all of us.
"I wish something can be done about this."
So do I.