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Re: temporary partial or?
Soboy Views: 2,332
Published: 22 y
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Re: temporary partial or?

Sorry you're having so many teeth problems. I'm still dealing with mine, but believe I'm heading in correct direction.
My personal suggestion is do not get implants. That potentially sets up another whole set of problems according to what I've been reading. If it were me, I'd get the partial. Are they a hassle to keep clean? Yes, but you'll stop throwing away all your money with repeat visits to the dentist. If you're going to get a partial for a tooth, that means you have to have the tooth pulled (extracted) AND cavitated!! Very few US dentist do the extraction AND cavitation, but that's what needs to be done. This is too long of story to explain here and I'm getting ready to head out of town to have two of my four root canal teeth pulled and cavitated. I'm doing the two on my upper left first...these two teeth are next to each other. I'm initially only doing two to test whether this will improve my poor health (chronic fatigue, poor memory, poor concentration, etc). If I feel better, then I'll extract & cavitat the other two. Once the bone area heals around the teeth (3 to 6 months), I'll go get fitted for a partial denture. In the interim, I'll have to adjust my eating habits since I'll be missing some teeth!
I could go on for hours, but you really need to read the following two books to understand what I'm explaining....there's a lot more information you need to understand. Read the following: "Uninformed Consent" by Dr. Hal A. Huggins, DDS; and "The Roots of Disease--Connecting Dentistry & Medicine" by Dr. Robert Kulacz, DDS and Thomas E Levy, MD
Good luck,


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