Soboy and others,
For lack of knowing where to post my experiences, starting here, but please email me if wrong spot and suggest where.
root canals and crowns dentist suggesting temporary partial and his wife suggests implant. Here's the intro:
Born with horrible teeth, growing up on cakes/pies/candies, etc. and then topping it off with horrible dentistry, my recent experiences are as follows:
about 18 mos. ago went to MX to have dental work which was crowns/
root canals done. That turned out to be very pricey and maybe shabby even after went on recommendation.
Then last year had to have two teeth pulled that went bad, without any hope of fixing....
Now, the root canals/crowns done in on upper right, one on upper left. The one on upper right had crown on it where the decay was there, as food particles were seeping in. The crown taken off last week and then xrays and examination showed decay eating away at tissue, affecting bone, and hopeless according to dentist. He suggested temporary partial on right side, and then came back and said yes to one on upper left too as the prongs from that one, posts called, have been hanging down, stabbing me for months, and that tooth proving not hopeful either.
The upper crown was put back on with dentist last week saying he didn't think it would hold. Today it's gone and probably an apple or other food had me swalled it. the gap is there, dentist out of town, but wondering about suggestoins of temporary partial. Hugh gap in upper right and may shift dentist thought. His wife suggested pricey implants for each of these teeth addressed.
Any thoughts as I am thinking since the upper right has a hole in the gum from a post or drilling or whatever, it could close, but wanted to avoid future problems in health now that I eat very holistic diet.