Re: More pain after root canal filled tooth extraction
Thanks for your response - I know you're right & I guess I'll have to try & find out what I can do now. It was actually a different dentist who pulled the tooth, because normal dentists here don't do sedation. There's only one in my town who does & the hospital that does generel anasthetic. I'm quite sure they are better than my own dentist - even this way, I'm glad she didn't pull the tooth - I don't think she could have done it (I reckon she would have left the stubborn root in the gum - she did with my husband). I'm due to go back tomorrow to her for her to look at the hole that's now in the place of the tooth. It isn't hurting itself now, but because it's so deep, I keep getting food stuck in there & have to keep rinsing with mouthwash just to keep it clean. The last couple of days, my jaw is also stiff on that side & I can't open my mouth to it's full extent, so something's wrong.
I don't think the nerve is damaged because I still have good feeling (not to mention the pain after the extraction), but it was the comment from the dentist who removed it, who said that he could see it whilst pulling the tooth.
I have a feeling that we're way behind in dentistry here in the UK compared to the US, so I don't know if I'll find anyone who knows about the cleanup protocol. I'm going to do some research though. I'm also going to get as far away from this dentists as I can - she's not good for us - my 9 year old has had 2 fillings so far, and neither of them stayed in longer than a couple of months. I don't want to put her through that. My own
root canal filled tooth is a result of her not re-filling that tooth properly (I've told her several times I didn't think it was sealed... bad taste, etc.)
Anyway - as I said thanks so much for your comments - I may print some of the material from this site & show her, but I always feel intimidated when suggesting things to professionals - after all, they have years & years of training & I have none. Like doctors - they don't like general public who 'presume' to self diagnose. I'll have to though - it's my life & health that's being buggered & that's much more important.
Sorry it's so long - one of my failings!