Long term benefit of the 29 day fast: I can poo again!!
I have to confess, I haven't started my new 42 day fast yet; I made an emotional decision to start right away after I got the ultrasound results back regarding my cyst growth, but I wasn't ready for it. I will start on Saturday.
In the meantime, I've realized another long term benefit from the 29 day fast I completed 10 days ago: I am SO regular!! Since I was a baby I've had problems with constipation...so bad that I would cry from the pain while I was still in diapers. It was an ongoing thing until I started this last MC. I could go for a week without...um...GOING. Now I go several times a day and I haven't taken any laxatives! Nothing has changed except that I'm eating a lot more fruit. Oh yeah...and I've stayed off of coffee and curbed the bread product consumption. I'm also doing the
parasite cleanse now (4 days into it)...does that make you poo??
I really think that the fast allowed my colon (and liver) to get rid of some serious congestion. Maybe this is one of the benefits of having a relatively stone free liver and gallbladder? I say relatively because I still think I might have some left in there...considering that I was releasing them until day 28, I didn't have enough time where there weren't any more coming out, so who knows.
It's amazing to think that my cleansing is a long term project, even with long fasts.
Meanwhile, I've apparently become a bit of a celebrity at my healthfood store. Everybody's talking about "that girl who did a 29 day master cleanse". This is great, since it shows people that it can be done, but everybody also knows that I was having an ultrasound to see if my cyst shrunk after the fast. I'm finding that some people can't see past the fact that the cyst grew...like it negates the loss of asthma, fibromyalgia, acne, high blood pressure, fatigue, dry skin, and over 100
liver stones !
Eventually this cleansing program will be a total success, but now I feel like the cyst will be an albatross around my neck until it dissipates completely.
This is why I'm taking an even more intense route of fasting by doing Breuss Juice for 6 weeks.
By the way, I'm getting a CT scan soon, which will give a pretty clear cross section of my abdomen and it's contents...several cross sections, in fact. It should be interesting, and I think I can actually snag the images. If I can, I'll scan them for all of you to see...maybe I'll stick some of the ultrasound reports up too.