Kinda Frustrated...
Hey everyone... Im on day 4 and am only going 5 days, which is too bd because I haven't lost more than two pounds... Im thinking I used the wrong maple suryp.
I had three goals in this...
#1 Get out of my plateau: 162lbs for a month...
#2 Self Discipline and control over food ( Successful )
#3 Stay on it for 5 days ( Successful)
But now I have to go back to eating, healthy I hope... And try again to get over this plateau.
I am thinking I have to start a intense workout regime, because if I don't get over this plateau soon I am going to lose it!
Not eating for 5 days should have done It I woudl have thought, I lost a whole 3
pounds maybe, which isn't bad, but the first fast I did was for two days and I lost 10 and KEPT IT OFF! So I am a little disapointed...
I don't know when I will get time again to fast, maybe in the fall.
I guess I will have to work my butt off until then, and be really strict, but I am losing all motivation.
Especially after reading all the weight loss everyone else has had.
Will somebody comfort me!? Hehehehehe....
I think even after I am done fasting I am going to come back here often and help everyone through it... cause this is a great forum, and I don't know what I would have done with out everyone.
I think in the fall I will try for a ten day, With the correct maple suryp this time :(
Take care... and hopefully I can bust this plateau soon!