It's my first time posting here, and my first MC, starting tomorrow. I'm sitting here, sipping my lax-tea...I actually kinda like it. I'm really worried about the effects of the SWF (Salt-Water-Flush) in the morning. I have to go to work and it makes me a little nervous.
I've read alot of the postings on this forum and I'm very encourage. My purpose for doing this is to get a grip on my Sugar and carb addiction. It's my drug of choice. I know that I need to find a new way to deal with my emotions instead of numbing them with a Sugar buzz. Losing a few pounds will be a nice motivator too.
Any advice anyone cares to give me is much welcomed, especially if anyone has found this to be an effective way to detox themselves from the evils of Sugar and refined carbs. I just wanted to introduce myself and make myself accountable.