If your experience is anything like mine, you shouldn't have any problem. I am only on day 2 of my fast. I have done things somewhat backwards. I read about the Master-Cleanse a couple of years ago and decided to begin the cleanse without great contemplation. I began yesterday morning and read Stanley Burroughs' The Master Cleanse yesterday afternoon. I felt hungry last evening. Nothing overwhelming though. Woke up not hungry at all and with no cravings today. I even went to the bookstore and looked through recipe books so that I can begin to accumulate recipes that will be in keeping with my dietary changes once I stop the fast. I want to make at least 10 days. I am mainly fasting in order to break my unhealthy relationship with food. If today is any indication, I don't think this will be a problem. My energy level is great and thought processes appear to be getting better.