My dentist and his dental hygenist wife, who are traditional dentists (not into alternative things) and personal friends of ours, admitted that if you brush well it doesn't matter what you use, or even if you use toothpaste at all. Toothpaste is mostly a pleasant incentive to get people to brush, with the minty clean taste. Of course most dentists feel that fluoride is SUPER important, but here at curezone the concensus is that not only is fluoride unnecessary, it is toxic and should be avoided. You can purchase toothpastes that don't have fluoride, and also ones that don't contain other undesirable things like sodium lauryl sulfeth and artificial sweeteners. Some people make their own things such as baking soda and Sea Salt , or herbal powders. There are a lot of options. The important thing is to FLOSS and brush and eat healthy foods. The foods and drinks are what cause your teeth to rot.