Well, I took the coQ10 at a dose of 3000mg. I purchased this at Walmart for about $19 (it was way more expensive at the health food store) and there were 30 100mg caps in the bottle. I took the whole bottle in one sitting. This I did with the intention of killing parasites, but I had read somewhere on this site that people had luck with candida by using coQ10 as well. I never saw a single parasite BUT within two hours, I had a bowel movement that was covered with a white slimy looking substance and the 2 movements that followed, were also covered with white. I assume this was candida. Since the dose and subsequent movements, I have noticed a flare in my candida symptoms, the biggest being the coating of my tongue in the morning. I am thinking that I stirred the candida up and killed much of it as well and some of the symptoms are coming from die off. It has been 1 week to the day since I took the dose and I am still experiencing these symptoms. It is my plan to take another dose on wednesday. I will need to wait because I am doing a liver cleanse today.