Re: Having surgery this Friday, any advice?
Dear Eunnie,
I agree completely with the other people who
have responded to you. Cancel the surgery.
That's what your intuition is telling you
to do, and, as always, your inner Guide is
About 500,000 Americans have their gall bladders surgically removed each year. In
almost every case, it is a totally unnecessary operation.
Your gall bladder doesn't generate stones.
They migrate downhill from your liver. You
need to do some good
Liver Flushes -- at
least one a month -- for the next year or two.
I suggest you buy a copy of
Andreas Moritz 's
wonderful book, The Amazing Liver & Gallbladder Flush. It's worth its weight in
gold. Andreas used to have the best forum
here on CZ, before his workload forced him
to put it on hold. You can buy the book from, or you can buy it at Andreas'
If you continue to eat clean, living food,
drink lots of pure water, and do systematic
intestinal cleanses -- colon, liver, kidneys,
parasite cleanses -- your body will heal
itself quickly.
Your first good liver cleanse will cost you
about $20.00. What is the surgery going to
cost you, not only initially, but down the
Buy that book ASAP. It will put you firmly
on the Healing Path. I will keep you in my
prayers, Eunnie.