Re: galbladder sugery gone wrong i need help
Hello 41935,
I read your story and am so sorry! This is horrible! The doctor almost killed you! I hope you are seeing a lawyer about this.
I agree with the previous reply. The intsitute (and there are several others) would be the best option, I think because you need to be taken care of.
If you are finacially set, or get any type of settlement from this horrible siutation, you would be well to use some of it for a proper intstitute.
If I were you, I would research wellness institues, where you will be taken care of, and can focus on your healing. Considering that the liquid was all over your body and in your lungs, the damage must be extensive and therfore a place where you can stay at least a month is ideal.
Here are some links to look into to see what may be best for you. If this sounds good, please, call each and talk to each one, take notes and go from there.
1. Hipocrates institute: I know someone who went there to get well from chemical poisoning, and she did! She speaks highly of the place.
2. Gary Null: I have been told he will take you on ability to pay, and considering you devastating and unusual situation, I think he may just be receptive to taking care you until you are better. As I understand it, he has a place to stay for people to get well.
3. Optimal Health Institute
4. Here is a link to the Living and Raw Foods website. This link shows several places that let you stay and take care of you while they help you heal with all natural foods.
I hope you are able to get the help you need, whether it is from family and friends, or from an institute where you are cared for for a time.
You are in my prayers (if OK).
God bless,