sounds like a hobo
hobos do more damage than the recluses,
also females of both species do more damage.
but the males bite more.
1/2 of those bites will be *dry venom bites*
ie: not skin destroying ones
most folks, even doctors will first call it a recluse bite,
when in fact the hobos do far more skin destroying bites
Both spiders tend to flourish in clutter,
papers/ boxes/ book shelves/
out side in wooded areas esp near old tree logs/ branches etc.
umm my daughter came up with a super way to get them ,
esp when opening cardboard boxes
or when you see one on a ceiling or wall.
she applied a *loop * of duct tape to handle end of broom and then would
go straight up an squish them fast/ they stick to the tape.
you can buy i think even at kmart
recluse spider traps
that have phermones to lure them and then they get stuck .
they are extrmemly sticky so be careful handling them.
both spiders can still bite with head/
even after dead for like 24 hours I think it is.
(some snakes share this trait also )
the recluse can be an assortment of colors
ranging from a pale almost translucnet grey
to an actual brownish color
you can often see it on your walls
as a *splayed out , very flat spider*
average size is about a dime in diameter flattened out.
The hobo has a kinda furry look .
it seems to be much smaller lol ,
but once it actually puts it legs out
it can be as large as a quarter!
(esp the older ones)
they are dark in color
and both spiders run super fast!!!
Both spiders are wall walkers
not your common web makers
they *hunt * their food*
so you need to make sure that your bed
is not right up close against the wall,
and not piled with stuffed animals ,
extra decorative pillows etc.
put the traps along *walkways*
NOT near your bed or sitting areas!!
since it will attract them
they DO work .
Clear out areas and be very careful as you do ..
my daughter used tongs lol to lift papers out of boxes,
as we transferred stuff to bins to elimanate box type storage.
The webs that they make when they do
are very different than normal spiders/
I will look online and see if I can find a good site
that shows these accurately
since I have first hand knowledge1 lol
BTW it maybe that it was neither of these spiders
since you never saw the *culprit*
but based on your description it sounde like it.
as far as treating it ?
pascalite clay is wonderful !!
Pure emu oil is super !
sage would help greatly
question ? does it have a bullet
dark ring around the edges?
if that is so ,
then you might have had severe reaction
infection from a tick .
I would certainly use any assortment of such thing as
oil of oregano 85 % carvocal (i will give a link )
or olive leaf oil ,
tea tree oil etc for the antibacterial
and antiviral , antiseptic quailites in them .
I am sure I cna think of more but I will look
to see if I can find a website that gives accurate pic for you .
If you have one, then you have many btw/
one egg sac has like 50-100 babies I think .
don't get all worked up !
I still get bitten by them
and now have a very good natural antibody
built up in my system.
oh tho do make a point of keeping areas under counters
(like in bathroom or kitchen )
regularly looked at.
don't put feet there withour looking lol !
since they are walker hunters.
(the hobos are) more often on the ground
or ceiling when you see them .
look at your ceilings.. if you don't see
even one normal spider web
(unless you are a super cleaner)
then you probably have at least one
of these species , since they do eat other spiders,
including their own kind.
I will add to this a link after I find one.
Ami Joi Benton