In addition to the suggestions already made, you might try to locate a good acupuncturist who is well-versed in Traditional Chinese Medicine, including Chinese herbs. If the fibroids are not too big, this is another way to shrink them.
Also, hysterectomy is not the only surgical approach to fibroids. I had 3 fibroids removed with a myomectomy...kept all my plumbing and maintained my fertility! Many doctors do not offer this as an option because it is a more delicate surgery requiring greater skill. Do some research on myomectomy and locate a doctor who performs them to see if you are a candidate. I have also recently learned that there is a new procedure where they inject the fibroids with something (?) and it blocks their blood supply causing them to shrink and die...but unfortunately I do not know the name of the procedure. You might want to look into this as another option.