Alkalize or Die - Old news
One or two years ago I was in L.A. listening to Dr Mercola give a presentation on health.
A bit of a diamond in the rough on the speaking end. I'm sure he's improved as he is a fast learner.
A woman in the audience took the podium and stated "Alkalize or Die, saved my life".
Now to be sure, from her looks, I wasn't quite sure she was alive, but she was speaking, so I had to assume so.
She continued on, trying to press Mercola into agreeing with her that diseases were caused by your pH being acidic.
Dr Mercola wasn't going for it.
She finally gave up the stand and sat back down, appearently bewildered, that anyone could not understand such a simple concept.
Over the years I've come to realize that "Alkalize or Die" while a great beginning in understanding pH, has led many astray as several assertions that were made at the time.
If have not read a pH book yet, may I suggest Christopher Vasey, N.D. "The Acid-Alkaline Diet for Optimum Health"
The paperback (medium size) is $12.95.
Go into a book store and find the book, turn to page 30.
Read the paragraph for the header:
pH Between 7 and 7.5 (Indicative of Neutral pH)
"This is the normal pH of a person in good health and is what you are aiming for. A reading in this range indicates a good acid-alkaline balance
as long as the first urination of the day is acidic, reflecting all the accumulated acids eliminated by the body during the night. If the first urine is not acidic it is a sign that acids are remaining in the body because the kidneys are not flushing them out properly......."