Good question. Interesting that you brought this up; Thank you... I have been struggling with over weight in spite of 1.5 hour work outs 5 - 6 days a week AND radically revising my diet over the last 15 months. I have lost 45 - 50lbs (30 - 40+ of it gained when a doctor put me on a BP medication) and could stand to loose another 20 at least. The reason for the estimates is that I do not weigh myself except at the doctors a few times a year.
Ever since doing the moreless drink 2 - 3 times a day, my appetite had decreased; not considerably, but noticeably. In addition, prior to the drink, the better I made my diet the greater my appetite decreased as well (to put this in perspective, I used to put away a lot). Although some cheat foods sound good to me (organic popcorn with raw melted butter is one of my cheats), I have been reaching for and craving Raw more than usual.
Makes me wonder if a mineral balancing act is beginning to take place and my body is coming into better alignment…