Re: Pitta and Carrots
hello fellow cat woman! :)
Much as I love the Dosha guidelines, there are some ways in which I think they go toooooo far.
As far as I'm concerned, carrots are always good, whole or juiced. A carrot is a carrot is a carrot, whehter it's whole or juiced doesn't really matter.
Pitta may need to reduce the amount but I don't see why - they are sweet and pitta people need a bit of sweet so.... when weighed against their action on the liver, I say liver comes before dosha. Beets are great for liver too. So I consider liver veggies to be tri-doshic - good for every Dosha. :) There are other considerations much more important for Pitta people, such as not exercising in the hot sun.
Butter is not ghee, butter still has milk solids which impairs healing acne. :) Ghee is okay in moderation for
Acne people, but most people don't know about it or where to buy it so I don't always bother mentioning it. :) Plus I think coconut is probably better, very much more cooling and very alkaline.