guarentee? Wow, that is a big risk. I have been taking OO (Olive-Oil) and milled flaxseed. Psyllium binds me so bad, even one shake, that the IF#1 barely works. Im pretty sure Robert Grays stuff has psyllium in it. I will check it out. So far though after 3 years on IF#1 everyday, I have been going off it with triphala and Oxypowder . I do have to defend IF#1 though a little. When I first started it, I was going once a week and had to take 4-5 a day just to have a BM. Now I can take 2 and I am totally fine. In my opinion it has made matters better for me. HOWEVER I think that is ONLY because I have made drastic changes in my diet in the past 3 years as well. I DO want to get off of it though. THe problem is any tiny bit of psyllium just royally screws me up. It took 3 enemas to get one shake out of me. So I will check Robert Grays options out. Maybe he has one with just flax.