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How to take psyllium. No constipation guaranteed!
garcia Views: 2,729
Published: 21 y
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How to take psyllium. No constipation guaranteed!

>I did enemas last time the next morning. But if I do the P&B the next day, I will certainly need the ES or magn citrate. I will print out you morning regimine and try it. I have done 3 rounds of P&B in the past 3 years. About 10 days each time. It just constipates me horribly. But if I do the magn citrate Im sure I will be fine.

Feel free to adapt my routine anyway you want. You don't have to use ES if you don't want to. But the main thing is to eat fibre *before* anything else.

If you have only done P&B for 3x10 days then you haven't done much. Certainly no-where near enough to be "bothered" by it (too much can be irritating to the villi). The fact that psyllium constipates you is actually a good sign - it shows you need it. Thats how it started out with me.

A few things you should do:
1. Take it with warm (not cold) water
2. Always add 1 tablespoon olive-oil to your psyllium. This will keep it moving along your GI tract and help avoid constipation. Its also great for candida.
3. And straight after you have your glass of psyllium take between 1.5 and 2 glasses of just water.

There is no way on earth that if you take olive-oil and you drink plenty of water afterwards that you should get constipated. Trust me on this. I've been through exactly the same thing. It took me 5 months of taking psyllium before I learnt how to take it properly!



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