ACV in MC lemonade?
Hi, Shelley, I know you are not too crazy about the
Master-Cleanse :-)
I like it a lot, I am Kapha/Pita, I think, although I'm not quite sure what it means, (am currently in process of familiarizing myself with Ayurveda), and
Master-Cleanse works for me like magic. I can stay on it for two weeks with almost no problem other than mental craving for the food toward the end...
Toward the end, I do, however, experience the feeling of the cold etc. associated with the weakening of the spleen.
So, my question is twofold: Would you recommend the ACV as a regular addition to the
Master-Cleanse drink?
Also, is the weakening of the spleen something I should really worry about, like could it be permanent, is there anything else, I can take instead of the lemon, etc. (I do include some juice fasting with the MC, but the maple syrup is the only thing that seems to keep my blood
Sugar in balance. Prolonged apple or other juices tend to make me go into the hypoglycemic state).